Kensuke Hori, Takahisa Koike, Kiichi Tadano, et al. A novel few-views arrangement of the fixed X-ray tubes for tomosynthesis. Phys Med. 2022; 93: 8-19. (Peer reviewed)
Tomohiro Sato, Norikazu Matsutomo, Tomoaki Yamamoto, et al. Evaluation of standardized uptake value on 131I-6β-iodomethyl-19-norcholesterol scintigraphy for diagnosis of primary aldosteronism and correspondence with adrenal venous sampling.Ann Nucl Med (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12149-022-01805-w (Peer reviewed)
菅原 かや、石川 純也.放射線緩和剤として有望な候補物質となるインドール化合物の探索.日本放射線技術学会雑誌 2022; 78(11): 1295-1305.(査読あり)
Hayashi N, Ogasawara D, Tokorodani R, et al. What factors influence the R value in data-driven respiratory gating technique? A phantom study. Nuclear Medicine Communications, 2022; 43(10): 1067-1076.(Peer reviewed)
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Yuta Endo, Shigehide Kuhara. A novel myocardial T1 analysis method robust to fluctuations in longitudinal magnetization recovery due to heart rate variability in polarity-corrected inversion time preparation. Radiol Phys Technol. 2022;15(3): 224-233.doi: 10.1007/s12194-022-00667-1. (Peer reviewed)
Kensuke Hori 1, Takahisa Koike 2, Kiichi Tadano 2, Takeyuki Hashimoto. A novel few-views arrangement of the fixed X-ray tubes for tomosynthesis. Phys Med. 2022; 93: 8-19. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2021.11.002. (Peer reviewed)
佐藤 友裕、松友 紀和、山本 智朗,他.Iodine-131を用いた副腎SPECTにおける画像再構成法の比較:ファントムによる物理検証.日本核医学技術学会誌.2022; 42: 388-396. (査読あり)
Tomoya Minagawa. Row-action type reconsturction method for total variation regularization in single photon emission computed tomography. 2022 KIMES&56th SRTA International Conference Proceedings.
Tomohiro Sato, Takashi Takagi. Validation of the influence of CT slice thickness on the quantitative accuracy and image quality of single photon emission computed tomography. Asia Ocean J Nucl Biol. 2021; 9(2): 148-157. (Peer reviewed)
Mizuho Hishikawa, Norikazu Matsutomo, Tomoaki Yamamoto. Optimization of scatter estimation window setting for quantitative analysis in 111In-pentetreotide single photon emission computed tomography imaging. Hell J Nucl Med. 2020; 23(3): 223-228.(Peer reviewed)
Kazuki Motegi, Norikazu Matsutomo, Tomoaki Yamamoto, et al. Evaluation of bone metastasis burden as an imaging biomarker by quantitative single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography for assessing prostate cancer with bone metastasis: a phantom and clinical study. Radiol Phys Technol. 2020; 13(3): 219-229.(Peer reviewed)
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堀 拳輔、橋本 雄幸、齊藤 典生、他.少数方向トモシンセシスにおける正則化項を用いた画像再構成.Medical Imaging Technology. 2020;38(4):194-198.(査読あり)
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堀拳輔、董居忠、岡本啓公、他.少数方 向トモシンセシスによる肺内結節検出に関する基礎的検討. 生体工学 Vol.56(1):pp.16-21, 2018.(査読あり)
堀拳輔、董居忠、岡本啓公、他.肺結節検出における4方向デジタルトモシンセシスの最適・最大投 影角に関する基礎的検討.生体工学 Vol.56(6):pp.260-264, 2018.(査読あり)
Ryutaro Kawamura, Takeyuki Hashimoto. Statistical optimum 2D random sampling for Compressed Sensing MRI. 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings. DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824318.
Yuta Endo, Takahisa Koike. Simulation study of acute subarachnoid hemorrhage using water density images of dual energy CT. 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Proceedings. DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824586.